Daily Message of Saint Joseph in July 25 of 2016


To the youth of the planet,

Children, this is the beginning of a new cycle for the planetary consciousness. Next August will mark the time of even deeper definitions for souls, and the Youth Festival for Peace comes to open the doors of this cycle for all young people of the Earth.

You must be aware that your mission does not start or finish in this Festival, because it is the beginning of a path which will be endless, profound and painful for many, a path of transformation, of definition, a path to discover the truth about yourselves and lose the fear of expressing it.

I tell you that it will be a painful path because the current youth is very involved with superficialities, in a poorly profound life from a spiritual point of view. It is a youth educated to think only in themselves, in their own advantage, in their own pleasure. It is a youth built in an era of permanent involutive stimuli, a youth that represents the last cycles of the old humankind and that is completely impregnated by the patterns left by all the previous generations.

This is the youth that must live the transition of the planet and bear the currents that will descend to reform the Earth and to attract a new life. This youth will have to say “no” to all the patterns they carry in their consciousness – as a compiled set of human experiences of all eras of humanity – in order to be nothing and be reborn in life as children of God.

Thus, children, see that the Youth Festival for Peace is only a door that opens in the consciousness of the youth and that very timidly shows you the rising of a new Sun in the horizon.

Being the beginning of a new spiritual cycle, although it may not seem to be so, the Youth Festival for Peace will place your consciousnesses before an inner synthesis, perhaps even sooner than the Festival happens.

That will be so because those who first say “yes” are the spearhead that breaks the old barriers and opens the consciousness for the new. These must be the example for those who will come afterwards, and to be so they will be forged in the invisible of the spirit.

May the young people awake for a new time and a new life. May they prepare their spirits to sustain the planet with peace and inner harmony, and may they be the sowers of the future, preparing life of those who will be the youth of the new Earth.

I leave to you this impulse that expands your consciousness and elevates you so that you may start to be aware of the life of spirit and do not remain so tied to appearances and to matter. The current youth is already a prisoner of appearances and many young people do not know who they are because they only know what they want to appear to be. As an impulse for all the human consciousness, be true and transparent, and do not be afraid of loving and being as you are.

Recognize that there is a great spiritual mystery behind each request of the Divinity because – when you work for God – everything has a Higher Purpose.

I leave you My Best Wishes for a good awakening for all.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

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