Message of Mary Rose of Peace in July 30 of 2017


A youth of peace…

A youth of peace is that spirit who brings, from the Universe, the principle of reconciliation, and it is who, through their renewal, transforms things, living within themselves the first rule among all rules: love.

A youth of peace is the one who unifies forms and the one who rearranges ideas, bringing, through their inner impulses, the possibility, from cycle to cycle, for everything to be renewed.

A youth of peace represents a new cell of light for these times, based on states of fraternity, on the principle of loving one’s neighbor and on the opening to the inner steps that service can provide for them.

A youth of peace is the one who opens, unconditionally, to discover, within themselves, their own origin and their own mission.

They do not fear to know who they were and what the Universe expects them to be.

A youth of peace aspires to be able to recognize within themselves the goodness, the love, the service that they can express for the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for its humanity.

A youth of peace recognizes on their path the Great and Only inner Master.

Above all their material and concrete life, the youth of peace know they will need light in order to take their steps.

A youth of peace has nothing to gain and nothing to lose.

The youth of peace represents, in these times, the expression of a new consciousness that will be corrected through good acts and good actions of all of the youth of humanity.

A youth of peace needs to feel full in their actions and free in their decisions, but they know that they will always need divine discernment and sacred wisdom to make the right decisions.

A youth of peace is like a guardian of the Kingdoms of Nature. They can feel within themselves the expression of each kingdom and, making it part of themselves, a youth of peace can feel the suffering of the planet, of Mother Earth, and does the impossible in order to relieve it.

A youth of peace builds the new bridges and elevates the consciousnesses through their acts of love, mercy and charity.

A youth of peace works, in these times, to learn to build and to take care of the divine Work of the Universe; and as much as they do not know it, because of its greatness and depth, the youth of peace never loses the hope of knowing that they will help to pave the way for the advent of LoveWisdom.

A youth of peace is that soul and that being that gathers, under the spirit of Unity, their fellow beings, other young people, and tries, above all things, for everyone to feel that, in these times, it is important to respond to the divine call which emerges from within each inner world.

The youth of peace is that pure and simple heart who will unite East and West, who will make the syntheses of the expressed spiritual knowledge and will be who expands, inside of themselves, the borders of the human consciousness so that finally the new, the renewed and the irrefutable may be expressed.

A youth of peace knows that, through their love for the Kingdoms of Nature and their healthy actions, they will be able to follow the path of redemption, leaving behind all that could harm their inner world, and seeking, through universal prayer, the only path for the elevation of their consciousness.

A youth of peace is who, through art, music, service and prayer, will be able to attract to the world the states of regeneration and of healing that humanity needs in order to reach reconciliation.

A youth of peace believes, within themselves, that there is something infinite and greater than what this planet is.

They seek to awaken to what is invisible and to all that comes from the Only Source because in this way they will feel part of something greater.

A youth of peace is who works without borders and who loves, unconditionally, all their Brothers and sisters.

A youth of peace knows that they are the ploughman or ploughwoman who, in these times, prepares the Earth and all of its consciousness to meet again, one day, the Master of Wisdom and of Love, Who will give them the keys so that the young apostle may open the doors to forgiveness, to healing and to reconciliation.

A youth of peace is who never gets tired of being infinite light in the world.

This third Youth Festival for Peace represents the closure of a cycle of preparation and of strengthening of inner bases, which has made it possible, in this time, that the Festival itself might acquire a new consciousness, and that this new consciousness might generate the condition to embrace other regions of the planet and to include more youths.

I thank you for responding to the call of attracting peace to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother Earth

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